Sunday, January 9, 2011


I love a New Year. The idea of a new beginning can sometimes be very appealing. Sure I am throwing some serious cliches your way, but it's true! Somehow I have found myself changing all over the place, and it happens to coincide with the beginning of 2011. Coincidence? I think so.

I went home for Christmas and realized that things just weren't the way they should be. I still wasn't working,... all I was doing was training and I was pretty exhausted. I slept A LOT when I was home and barely had any energy for running, swimming, biking.. anything! Not a way to live. The pity party ended as soon as I returned to Victoria. Time to put my big girl pants on and invoke change.

I went to a nearby gym the day after I got home and inquired about job opportunities. Wouldn't you know it - they were looking for new employees and were hiring that week. I couldn't believe my luck. I went in for an interview last week and BAM.... finally landed a job! Furthermore, I had thought I was applying for a floor attendant position. Nope! Teaching boot camp-style classes and personal training. I am so excited I can barely contain myself. I worked my first class at 6:15am on Friday and woke up at 3am that morning because I couldn't wait to go in. I feel very fortunate and excited for the future.

My post today is about dimensions. I am suddenly finding myself so fulfilled because I have many things happening now that don't require a singular focus. The reason elite sport was so dangerous for me is that I was only focusing on training and diet. All of my energy went into my body and an analysis of how it was performing (dangerous ground to be sure, especially in a weight category). I never gave my brain a chance to work or be creative, and my spirit would sometimes get lost in the training shuffle. It's a bit of a Catch 22 because some people believe that to be a champion, you MUST train all day and have that singular focus. You know what? It works for some, but it certainly does not work for everyone.

I recently read a book called "Talent is Overrated" by Geoff Colvin. In his book, Colvin essentially shows how people we consider as gifted or talented are actually people just like you and I who work really, really, really hard. I rather enjoyed the read and found it very interesting. In the end, you can always be and do whatever you want if you put the time and effort in. The message that hit home for me however, was not this message but the following: many people who relentlessly chase a goal will often lead lonely lives. In fact, many of the top CEOs in the world are sociopaths! Some may chase dreams so tirelessly that they don't realize it may be at the expense of relationships, finances, futures, environment... Again, this is not everyone, but it definitely was me. Again, time to change!

This revelation has been huge for me and I am only now realizing that I would rather live a full, well-rounded life than to strive to be great at one thing. It is still hard for me to write that and I haven't fully come to terms with it, but here's the truth: everyone is already outstanding. Why do I need a gold medal to be a champion? Why do I need top grades to prove I am intelligent? Why does anyone need external validation? I missed weddings, birthdays, funerals, relationships... All because I put all of my eggs in one basket. The world is too big to be pigeon-holed.

There is nothing wrong with chasing your dreams. I absolutely loved my experience as a national athlete and I commend anyone who goes after what they want as relentlessly as is required at that kind of level, in any arena. The lesson I have learned is to keep perspective and remember that you are not defined by your dreams - they are only an extension of your self, they are not YOU. Every human is just as worthy as the next. Our actions are what make us different, and some people's actions can be described as more or less valuable. These actions, however, do not make the person more valuable. We are all champions!

Here's to balance, not only in body but mind and spirit as well.