Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Good Luck in New Zealand!

Today I was able to see two of my good friends before they head to New Zealand tomorrow for the World Rowing Championships. It is so interesting to be out of that world now and to still appreciate all of the work they have put in, and to see them rewarded for that work. A trip to New Zealand - can it get much better than that!?

One friend in particular has inspired me to write a new post today. We were chatting about his position in rowing and it's a beautiful one. He is part of a fantastic crew who have been together for a few years now and have completely gelled. He trusts his coach and believes in his program. He loves the city of Victoria, he is excited to go down to the lake every day and it's all showing in his results. They are arguably the best ranked crew coming out of Canada in one of the toughest events out there. Very exciting indeed!

Talking to him made me realize what I miss about rowing. I feel a deep sense of loss not necessarily for rowing itself, but for the sheer joy of being part of a team in a sport like rowing. The bond created through hours and hours spent on the lake, on the ergs and in the gym is one that is not found easily anywhere else. I miss my teammates and I miss pushing myself so that others can reach new heights alongside me. I yearn for that feeling again!

When I decided I could no longer row it was heart breaking. Rowing has been a part of my life (sometimes my entire life) for years and years, and I had believed in my Olympic Dream so relentlessly that it shattered me to think that it was over. The grieving period was long, and I wonder sometimes if I am still in it. I guess what I am hoping is that Ironman training and the people I am about to call my teammates will enable me to re-kindle the same passions I had in rowing and help me re-discover that woman that loved to train, loved to suffer, loved to race and loved to win.

Good luck to all of those heading to New Zealand. I wish you all the best and know you will represent Canada well.

1 comment:

  1. This is very cool Linds! I am in the Auckland airport and I am going to read it more thoroughly soon!
