Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I love hills

OK, I am writing this entry today so that I can look back on it in a few months and have a good laugh at myself. I am just feeling super sorry for myself today. Brutal!!! I know, I know... I don't exactly have anything going on in my life right now that is THAT terrible. I am healthy, my family is healthy, I have food in my stomach and a roof over my head. Don't get me wrong - I am extremely thankful. But DUDE... I don't know how much longer I can handle this struggle bus!

I went out on a ride with Triple Shot this morning for the hills workout. It consists of four trips up Cadboro Bay Road, three trips up Sinclair (it's hell... seriously) and two trips up Mount Tolmie (not as bad as Sinclair, but just put that last nail in the coffin.) NOTHING can make you feel heavier or more out of shape that a few uphill climbs at 6am. DAMN!!! Needless to say, I biked home and here I sit, dressed up to go for a short run with a morning swim teammate, and I feel like a slow blob. Nice to follow the last blog with something like this, eh? Just shows you what extreme diets do to a person's psyche.

Seriously though, I am looking forward to the day where I am feeling efficient and fit again. Remember: my definition of fitness is different from most! Yeah - I can pull off these workouts every day but I am NOT pulling them off well and in no shape or form am I showing speed yet. I guess it HAS only been three weeks, hasn't it... I guess I was just hoping my super lean, fit self was going to pop back around once I got into it again. Patience, patience, patience! It is hard though, n'est-ce pas?

In the meantime, keep on keepin' on. Grind it out, eat healthily, DO NOT DIET for at least a couple more months (this body needs a break) and look back on all of this in the spring and say "Whew... Good thing I stuck it out. I knew it would get better!"

Now off for a run... Time to stop feeling like a blob and recognize that elite Lindsay is slowly going to emerge in the not-so-distant future!!!

SIDENOTE: Two posts opened up for Library Assistant at UVic. Fingers crossed!!!!

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